Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Recycle your Christmas Tree
We are going to keep our tree up for a while, but I wanted to get this word out. If you can get your tree to just north of us at Nichols Park, west of Higley Rd just south of Guadalupe, the Town will recycle your tree for mulch. Read here.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A change for the better
Maybe this is a Christmas story. Maybe this is a political story. In any case, I think it is a change for the better.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Luminarias - We did it!
Great job everyone! A particular thanks to Lisa McWilliams in Higley Groves West and Susan Fleischer in Higley Estates for leading the charge in each neighborhood.
Higley Groves West had tables with hot chocolate, and streets with lighted street trees as well as luminarias, and great participation. The few of you who didn't participate are welcomed to join us with open arms.
Higley Estates had a little less participation. The folks there haven't been in the neighborhood quite as long, and I think it takes a while to make this feel worth doing. Santa understood the problem, and took precious time off from last minute preparations to visit with kids at the ramada in the center of the Estates. Thanks, Santa!
Again, great job to everyone who contributed, and Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Luminarias Tonight!
A Reminder:
In Higley Groves West and in Higley Estates, bags and candles will be distributed to all the houses for use tonight, the 21st. The stated time for Higley Groves West is 7pm. It makes a great effect when everyone does it.
This is a totally volunteer effort, and the reason only these two neighborhoods will have them, is that only these two neighborhoods had people who volunteered! But it would be great to have them all over Morrison Ranch. If you live in these neighborhoods, please participate. If you live in another one, come over and see how it looks.
See you outside tonight!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Bulk Trash
Next week is the week for bulk trash in all of Morrison Ranch.
Please don't put it out until Sunday, as it looks bad, but DO put it out Sunday, as the Town MIGHT come to your neighborhood first on Monday. On the other hand, it might be the end of the week.
Please don't put your bulk trash on the overseeded grass, if you have it.
And, thanks, Town of Gilbert, for a very helpful service!
Luminarias on Monday
In Higley Groves West and in Higley Estates, bags and candles will be distributed to all the houses for use on Monday the 21st. I don't know if I have all the details right, but, basically, folks will put them out and light them shortly after dark. It makes a great effect when everyone does it.
This is a totally volunteer effort, and then reason only these two neighborhoods will have them, is that only these two neighborhoods had people who volunteered! But it would be great to have them all over Morrison Ranch. If you live in these neighborhoods, please participate. If you live in another one, come over and see how it looks.
See you outside on Monday!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Duct tape - it's not just for ducts
OK, you knew that.
I held off on this post as long as I could. But purses out of duct tape? That's pretty cool. I, personally, have used duct tape as a bandage, as a hinge for my checkbook, as a decorative cover for a metal hinge, as the cover for my wallet, as a reminder of a spot that needs repair, as a strap to anchor a GPS, as a repair for a fuel line....well, I just don't have enough time.
And, as this article points out, Duct Tape - it's not just silver any more!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Not Quitting Our Day Jobs
Last night was our office's annual Christmas party. Well, actually, it's the annual celebration our office enjoys as hosted by our Magnificent Landscape Maintainer. He is one of the most creative guys I know, and he can sniff out the most obscure yet delightful restaurants all over the city like none other. But I digress. Last night he took us to a place where you make your own wine; and we spent the evening learning about an entirely new aspect of agriculture - the grape.
First, we had to decide which type of wine we might make. This involved some tasting:
After tallying everyone's preferences followed by a delightful dinner, we got to work. It involved pouring, stirring, oaking, yeasting, and oh yes, lots of teasing and banter. Making wine is fun to watch!
Here we are with the finished product; we don't need barrels and we don't need a lot of time for aging; in a short 90 days it can be bottled.
We will see how it turns out. I'm pretty sure we won't be trading in working on Morrison Ranch to become vintners. But it was a very fun learning experience and a great way to celebrate together.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Future Farmers of American - suburban addition
I and both my brothers were very involved in the FFA in high school. All of us have had some level of involvement with production agriculture. I farmed cotton and alfalfa for ten years. Yet even I would say I benefited more from the leadership training I received than the agricultural knowledge. It is a great organization for kids, teaching public speaking, and requiring teamwork in most project, to name just two benefits.
And, the FFA has morphed to adapt to the changing opportunities in American. Few members of the FFA will even have a change to be farmers. But they can be in business in many areas that involve agriculture in some way. The contests now held reflect that. And the teamwork skills keep getting developed.
Our local chapters just completed a contest. Read here.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Iowa Barn, New Church
I drive by this church all the time on Greenfield on my way to US 60. I always wondered about the transition from barn to barn-like building. So I was glad to get the story. Just follow the link below.
Read this.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Baby, It was COLD outside
But that didn't stop the crowd from showing up for last night's Christmas Festival at Highland Groves. About 100 folks came to hang out and win a few prizes, dance, eat some cookies, and meet each other. The Big Guy in Red was busy with the last minute toy preparations, but Mrs. Clause was kind enough to stop by for a visit. Early in the evening, before talking to the kids and reading them stories, she was getting her groove on with the DJ:
Cookie decorating (and eating) is always a hit:
And I served about 8 gallons of hot chocolate. I was accused of being too generous with the whipped cream; oops. My personal bias is that the whipped cream is the best part of hot chocolate.
There were ceramics of all sizes and shapes to be painted, and The Mister said there were a couple of teenaged gals who spent quite a while getting theirs perfect. Here's a sample of what was available:
But without a doubt, the best entertainment of the evening was watching the kids dance and do contests with the DJ. It would be so phenomenal to bottle up some of that energy for this season. This picture was taken early in the evening before the dance floor was packed; but I guarantee you some of those kids didn't stop for the entire two hours. There were lots of prizes, and lots of winners.
Thanks to all the residents who participated and thanks to Deidre, Cathy and Mick for all the hard work of putting it together. I am happy to see these festivals grow bigger and bigger each time we do one; it increases the energy. And yet, there is still the neighborly feel. Gotta love it.
Tomorrow Night - This should be fun
OK, it will look a little different than the picture, but the Town is hosting Luminarias at the Lake behind the library. Read this. It is really within walking distance for some of us, what with the bridge under the power lines. But, for me, a desert rat, it might be a little cold.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Last Reminder - Christmas Festival Tonight!
Morrison Ranch
Holiday Party with Mrs. Claus
Thursday, December 10, 2009
5:30pm - 7:30pm
The Park at Highland Groves - off of Bruce Ct.
Story Time with Mrs. Claus
Cookie Decorating
Hot Cocoa
Holiday Crafts
DJ with Music, Dancing, Games and Prizes!
*Just added*
Simply Fun Ceramics - Paint your own Holiday Ornament/Decoration. Prices range from $1.00 - $8.00!
If you have not already, please RSVP to Deidre at or 602-309-7233.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Gilbert Budget Citizens Committe Recommendations
Read this.
This is worth keeping up on, and speaking to. Local government has a very low profile, but actually affects you the most. This level of government decides what youth programs will be available, how often bulk trash will be picked up, and how much you will pay for these, and many other services. The Town budget is one example that we are not out of the recession woods yet. There are tough decisions ahead. They ought to reflect an engaged citizenry.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Rain in the Ranch
The Morrison Ranch rain gauge says it rained .42 inches between yesterday morning and this morning. More than half of that was after midnight. We don't need those sprinklers for a bit!
Monday, December 07, 2009
Let it snow, let it snow...
Even in Gilbert, we get snow occasionally; but it might be at the Basha's Farmer's Market on Saturday. It was a good thing it was so cold that day, because that meant the snow didn't melt so fast. As you can imagine, the kids who grow up in the desert found the snow very entertaining.
There was also a long line at the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile, where they were handing out whistles... I am assuming those whistles stopped working after about an hour. At least, for the parents' sake, I hope that.
And the magic show had a REAL rabbit; that was so cool:
But, as you might imagine, the main attraction of the day was the guy in red, who was taking time from his busy schedule at the North Pole to take a few pictures with some kids.
And speaking of Santa, he is heading back to work. But Mrs. Claus is coming to Morrison Ranch this Thursday! Here is the info on that:
Morrison Ranch Holiday Party with Mrs. Claus
Thursday, December 10, 2009
5:30pm - 7:30pm
The Park at Highland Groves - off of Bruce Ct.
Story Time with Mrs. Claus
Cookie Decorating
Hot Cocoa
Holiday Crafts
DJ with Music, Dancing, Games and Prizes!
Friday, December 04, 2009
Bashas' Farmers Market
Remember, there is another Farmer's Market tomorrow. As best I can tell, tomorrow will be the biggest one yet. Here is the info:
Bashas' Presents...
at LakeView Town Center - Higley & Elliot
Farmers Market Festival
Saturday, December 5th
8am - 2pm
Fun for all your family and friends!
Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile, Cookout - Chili & Corn Roast, Bratwurst, Hot Dogs, Cotton Candy and Fresh Produce...Kids??? Santa & Snow, Rockwall, Bounce House, Balloons, Cookie Decorating, Bean Bag Toss, Karate Demo, DJ Bradley and the Subway, Chase and GreatClips Characters!
Always Supporting Our Community!
Sponsored by: Bashas', Subway, Chase, In the Raw, Cactus Valley Pools, DePalma's, UPS Store, Carousel Cleaners & Di Ricci's.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Board Meeting
There is a Higley Groves West HOA board meeting tonight at the Farm Bureau building, 325 S. Higley, in the break room on the east side. It is usually the fourth Thursday of the month, but in November and December, that doesn't work. So the meeting is today.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
As I said yesterday, you are likely to see a few horses around Morrison Ranch. You are guaranteed to see bikes, if you look for any amount of time at all. I built a mount for my phone, because it has a GPS function as well. You can see it at work above, and then the shot at the end of the ride. I like to get in 7-10 miles on weekdays.
The streets of Morrison Ranch are great for a bike. The traffic is distributed, so every car does not end up on Park or MR Parkway. That was by design. So use those streets to get around on a bike. You can pick your temperature if you can pick your time. Or just bundle up and ride in the morning. If you see a nerd riding with his phone strapped to his bike with hair do-da's, that me. Wave and say hi!
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Read here about horses in Gilbert and the east valley.
Morrison Ranch has horse properties all around it. And the trails that now exist on the west and north sides of Morrison Ranch were designed with horses in mind, along with the other travelers out there. There is a good chance you will see riders out and about. It is a part of the Gilbert I grew up with and I am glad they are there.
One thing: If any horse owners happen to read this blog, please keep your horses on the trails. They are 12 feet wide and nice gravel. The turf has plastic sprinkler heads all over, and your horse's hooves will do a number on the heads, and the plastic might shatter and do a number on your horse. So, use the trails, and you are welcome.