Meet Bias For Action

This is how we usually see Bias For Action, except that I made him turn around so we can see his face (we actually usually see the back of his head). I'll bet that's a schedule of some kind on his computer screen, because he is the Supreme Scheduler, keeping track of all the various appointments for everyone in the office.
I mentioned yesterday that that the Mister is the middle son of June and Marvin; Bias For Action is the youngest son, which, very obviously, makes him the younger brother of the Mister. He too graduated from the University of Arizona, majoring in General Agriculture and minoring in Business. From there he moved to Dallas, Texas and attended Dallas Theological Seminary, collecting a Masters of Theology degree. This is where he was smitten by a cute Texas gal, and married her as soon as he could talk her into it, and then they moved to Austin, where he pastored a church for 7 years. They started their family there; they have a boy and two girls, all very talented, as indicated by the artful picture taken by one of them, and posted here a while back (and yes I AM biased, since I'm their aunt). After a year pastoring a church in Memphis Tennessee, they came back to Gilbert. Bias For Action finished off (I think he's finished, anyway) his education by earning a Doctorate of Ministries from Phoenix Seminary. He's a smart guy.
As mentioned in his blog profile, Bias For Action has, well, just that - he gets things done, and he gets MORE things done than the average person. (As you may imagine, this is very helpful to those visionary types that plan big, but need a little help with follow-through, though I'm not naming names.) His part in helping Morrison Ranch translate from a vision to a reality was crucial, and for more reasons than that he keeps us on schedule. Frankly, the Mister had grown somewhat discouraged in those early years in his quest to transition the farm to a community. There are many extended family members who have a say in how to proceed with the land, and if you've ever tried to get a number of people to agree on anything as inconsequential as where to go out to dinner, you can imagine how difficult it might be to get them to agree on something more important. There were other pressures as well, and the Mister was growing weary. At just the right moment, Bias For Action returned and threw in his lot with the Mister, and that provided the encouragement to persevere. Sometimes you just need one other person to stand with you, and Bias For Action did that at a crucial moment.
From the perspective of being pleasant to be around in the office, he makes sure we always have fresh roses from the yard on the conference table; he has organized and carried out the arbor day celebrations that we've sponsored the last few years; he always knows when it's someone's birthday; and he has the greatest belly-laugh.
If I were to highlight one characteristic of Bias For Action (and I will, since I'm the one writing the post) that makes him an incredible asset to have in the office, I would say it's his unflagging commitment to the project at hand, and ultimately to Morrison Ranch. So if you ever want to schedule a meeting, or get a question answered, give a call to our office (480-813-8234); you'll most likely find Bias For Action on the other end of the receiver, and I guarantee you he will try to help, if he can.
Hey, I can't believe No one has posted a comment about this fascinating individual! So I will, the cute Texas gal.
Didn't God do some interesting work to get us ready to come home to Gilbert just when Scott (and you?) needed some encouragement?
That is coming up on 12 years ago.
The way I phrase it is, "God moved us to Memphis so we'd be ready to move to Gilbert"...
The fact that we were given the courage to resign from First Evangelical Church after less than a year there (and having resigned from Grace Covenant only a year before that)was remarkable. I distinctly remember how impressed I was that we were supposed to move here (though we were still in Memphis). Do you remember Ditch Camp that summer when we talked about it and things just began to happen...
And now you have "Bias for Action". He's a good man, just like yours.
It blessed me to read your perspective on Howard. Thanks, Stormy. Jana
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