The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Read here about horses in Gilbert and the east valley.

Morrison Ranch has horse properties all around it. And the trails that now exist on the west and north sides of Morrison Ranch were designed with horses in mind, along with the other travelers out there. There is a good chance you will see riders out and about. It is a part of the Gilbert I grew up with and I am glad they are there.

One thing: If any horse owners happen to read this blog, please keep your horses on the trails. They are 12 feet wide and nice gravel. The turf has plastic sprinkler heads all over, and your horse's hooves will do a number on the heads, and the plastic might shatter and do a number on your horse. So, use the trails, and you are welcome.


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