The New Kid on The Block
Lakeview Trails North is our newest community, and also our largest to date. It is located south of Elliot Road, west of Recker, east of Lakeview Village and north of the grain tanks. When it is finished, there will be 733 homes in this neighborhood, of varying sizes.
One unique feature of this community is the area carved out along Elliot that we call Uncle Hugh's house. If you are interested in some history of this house, you can check out this post from a couple of years ago:
One of the builders in Lakeview Trails North, or LTN, as we abbreviate it, is Ashton Woods. They will have three separate sizes of product, and their models will be in three different places. The smallest product is being modeled on Morrison Ranch Parkway:
As with every project, there are times you have to scratch your head and wonder. Here is one example:
It isn't paved yet, but if it were, this lamp post would be a pretty formidable obstacle in the road. But wait, there's more:
Two poles in the middle of the road in one project?! Yes. This one, of course, is not because of a mistaken plan, but because the power pole was there first. Most of our power lines are buried; this one will be moved instead of buried. The cost to bury it was $1 million per mile, according to SRP, so that won't be happening. The trucks were there the day we took this picture and the new poles laying on the ground, so it may already be moved. Unfortunately, the placement of the new poles means we won't have our signature trees between the sidewalk and the road along this stretch. There will still be the trees behind the sidewalk, so there will be shade.
Now we are entering the "use-your-imagination" zone. Imagine an elementary school here:
...and a volleyball court inside this square:
And last, but certainly not least, imagine a sidewalk and grass and trees along this curve, that will lead to the sidewalk around the lake:
Lakeview Trails North has the distinct advantage of already having its lake built, landscaped, fountained and ecologically balanced; the big lake at Town Center North provides the irrigation for the landscape in LTN. We will be keeping close tabs on this neighborhood as it goes up.