Sherwood Forest Gets A Trim

I've mentioned a time or two that some folks mock our back yard because we have a few trees. One of the old Morrison maxims is "more is better;" thus, if some shade is good, then more shade must be better. But one has to cultivate that shade wisely; and this involves some annual trimming by some professionals.
The time for trimming is now, rather than the summer when they are growing fast. We don't cut off the tops of the trees, but rather thin the branches on the way up; that way they can survive the thunderstorms (which we hope will still visit the desert!) Tree Balls are anethema to everyone in our office; we much prefer a natural look, which is why the chain saw method doesn't work for us. These are all the principles we apply in trimming the trees in Morrison Ranch.
Our personal plan is that if we trim the trees in our backyard early in their growth, the need for that trimming later will be less. These guys do it all by hand, which makes The Sixth Man happy; the only gas engines we hear are for the leaf blowers and the tree chopping machine parked on the street.
Sherwood Forest will be healthier for it, we think.
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