Welcome to My Neighborhood
The Mister and I reside in Higley Groves West, and we will have been here 7 years this November, which somehow seems astounding! The Sixth Man always says that the landscaping makes a big difference in only 5 years, and can totally change the complexion of a neighborhood in 10 years. The entrance pictures from below would indicate that we are nicely beyond the 5-year "making a difference" moment:
One unique feature of Higley Groves, on both the east and west sides of Higley, is the use of traffic circles, commonly known as roundabouts. They serve a dual purpose of adding greenery to the view corridor, as well as slowing traffic through the neighborhood. We initially had difficulties with the jacarandas in the circles, but here is one roundabout in our neighborhood that has flourished:
If you are wondering why the roundabouts are unique to Higley Groves, it's because folks find them so difficult to navigate, so we didn't put them in the other neighborhoods. Having recently returned from some overseas travel where roundabouts are common, I still think that they are an efficient way to route traffic. Many of my fellow Americans, however, disagree with that premise. And then there are the knuckleheads who insist on driving right across them; don't get me started on those folks. Suffice it to say, you won't see any more true roundabouts in the other neighborhoods (Highland Groves has some traffic calming features near the playgrounds that are similar, but not at intersections).
Another unique feature is that Higley Groves West is next to the irrigation canal. That provided the impetus for a large greenbelt that extends all the way from Elliot Road to the power lines. Apart from the view, it's a fabulous area for ball practices, Thanksgiving football scrimmages, and the occasional work on the golf swing. My neighbor, who knows a thing or two about landscaping as he has greened up several golf courses, pointed out as I was taking pictures that this is the greenest time of year (since we haven't been overseeding this area in the winter) for the greenbelt:
Higley Groves West has 348 homes in the neighborhood, not counting our office on the corner of Higley and Elliot. It feels smaller, I suppose because it seems like we have some idea of who most of our immediate neighbors are, and it's a pretty quick trip to get to either of the arterial streets.
I was snapping photos in the morning during the off-to-school hour, and it warmed my heart to see so many kids walking to the bus stop or heading to Greenfield on foot or bike, in many cases with a parent standing outside waving. I'll finish up this tour with an outside shot of our own Sherwood Forest in the background, and in the foreground, a couple of bike-riders on their way to school:
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