Welcome, Neighbor
Red Mountain Wireless is now open at Lakeview Village. Another business to welcome to our community!
Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch
Red Mountain Wireless is now open at Lakeview Village. Another business to welcome to our community!
Here is a nice article on the Riparian Preserve. There is a hiking trail between Higley Groves West and the Preserve, which is accessed by going just under the power lines and across the bridge at the northwest corner of the greenbelt. It's a nice little hike.
Our weather station expert gave me some totals last night:
A couple of days ago the East Valley Tribune had an article on all the road construction in Gilbert:
I heard a rumor a few weeks ago that we were going to be putting in a drugstore on the southwest corner of Higley and Elliot. The reason I knew it was a rumor is because it surprised the heck out of me. The Mister and I looked at each other and said, "Say What?!!" I wonder how that got started. It is true that this corner is zoned for commercial use; it is also true that a drugstore would fit that zoning use. I suppose it's even true that a drugstore might end up there someday. But that is not our desire for that corner, and there are no, repeat nada, zip, zero talks with any businesses whatsoever for that location.
Or rocking chair, I suppose. Sorry for the lack of blogging; the mister and I were out of town for a few days. We have been talking about the Front Porch, though, and we're changing a few things. We'll be adding some more bloggers from our office, we're expanding a bit on our personal profiles, and we are turning on the comments function for our readers. So this will be week two of our testing process, and we hope to keep growing both in the technical knowledge and in effective posts in the blogging process.
Did you know we have a weather station at Morrison Ranch?
I got an email from one of the guys yesterday saying that the new Subway has opened in Lakeview Village as of, well, yesterday! I drove by before I went grocery shopping and there seemed to be a lot of cars in front. I didn't have time to stop in and welcome them to the neighborhood, but I will soon, and in the meantime I wish them success.
I am thrilled to live in a country that affords me the privilege of self-government through elections; yet, I am exhausted with the political brouhaha that surrounds the presidential election. Nevertheless, we have another opportunity to influence our little corner of the world. There is a Town election coming up soon. We all need to be involved in our Town as well as our neighborhood. Get the facts at the Town website. And if you want to make it easy, you can apply for a ballot by mail by filling out the little green card that came in your water bill last month. In reality, our local elections more closely impact our daily lives than our national elections. I would love to see a high participation in this election by the people who live in Gilbert.
Some people ask the question very graciously ("Um, where is that odor coming from?"); some questioners feel a bit more demanding ("How long will it be before I can build a house worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and not be assailed by the smell of cows when I step out the door?!"), and some find the humor in the situation ("I grew up in Texas and my daddy said that's just the smell of money!").
I don't know if your winter guests are beginning to stink, but several people have noticed the dead fish in the Town Center Lake. Not to worry; the ecosystem of the lake is all well and good. The dead fish are the small ones that aren't very strong yet, and they have perished because of the cold water. With the temperatures returning to normal (warmer), the baby fish should survive and thrive and grow up to eat the other fish that eat the other fish that eat the algae... well, you get the picture.
The dentist's office, the insurance office, and the nail spa were broken into last night; apparently the locks were removed from the doors - a very professional job. I don't know how much damage it caused or what was taken, but I was very sad for those business owners. If you have any information on this, please call the Gilbert Police Department at 480-503-6500.