Say What?
I heard a rumor a few weeks ago that we were going to be putting in a drugstore on the southwest corner of Higley and Elliot. The reason I knew it was a rumor is because it surprised the heck out of me. The Mister and I looked at each other and said, "Say What?!!" I wonder how that got started. It is true that this corner is zoned for commercial use; it is also true that a drugstore would fit that zoning use. I suppose it's even true that a drugstore might end up there someday. But that is not our desire for that corner, and there are no, repeat nada, zip, zero talks with any businesses whatsoever for that location.
Let me add that the folks at the office are happy to talk about the plans for the rest of Morrison Ranch, including questions like "is there a drugstore going in on that corner?"; feel free to stop by the office on the northwest corner of Higley and Elliot, the yellow house, and ask them. A phone call might be wise to be sure that someone is there that can help you (480-813-8234), but the office is really a friendly place.
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