Water, Water, Everywhere
Did you know we have a weather station at Morrison Ranch?
As a result, we know that the first of our recent storms produced 1.2 inches of rain, and the second 1.82 inches. That's a lot for Arizona, as you well know.
Water has always been precious to a farming family like ours. One of our objectives is to utilize our reclaimed water wisely. That is why we have the weather station. When the temperature is high or the wind is blowing, and evaporation is at a high rate, the grass and trees require more water. When it is cloudy or has rained, the weather station communicates that our grass and trees require less water. These daily measurements and changes help us avoid over-watering. The system is directly tied to our pump station along side our Town Center lake. Higley Groves West, although not tied to the automatic system, utilizes the same landscape crew and the information is available to them for the same adjustments. We are pleased by this conservative use of water.
Maybe someday we can figure out how to post those numbers on the website. That would be cool!
By the way, if people talk to you about the grass in Morrison Ranch, remember this: Our grass uses more water than the desert plants of other subdivisions. Our neighborhoods are cooler than other subdivisions, due to the grass. Our air conditioners run less than theirs do, using less electricity. Therefore, less cooling water is used in places like St. Johns, AZ, as well as less coal burned. So the extra water for irrigation is only part of the story.
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