Morrison Ranch has received just under 2 inches of rain in the last two days. As the Mister said yesterday, we are quickly reaching and surpassing our annual norms for rain in these parts. This morning, I awoke to our cul-de-sac under water. I saw my dear neighbor out there sloshing around with a shovel trying to unplug the drain on the curb, but the Mister says that most likely there is a different problem. So I will leave that to him and the experts. In the meantime, driving around our cul-de-sac is a little like pulling water skiers on Canyon Lake - very wet, with lots of wake behind you.
I remember when the Mister and I first moved into our house, about ten years ago. We had record rainfall then, as well. Our landscaping wasn't in yet; the houses around us were still being built, and the retention basin seemed to always be full of water. I figured we were getting quite the spa treatment, because we were bathing in mud every day. I went to Home Depot and bought long rolls of plastic to lay as runners on the floor in an effort to trap some of the mud. The Mister broke apart moving boxes as makeshift sidewalks in the back yard, lest someone be lost in the really deep mud. I would catch myself seething as I watched the cement trucks leave gaping ruts in the median in front of our house because they wouldn't slow down enough to make the turn. Yep, it was wet, all right.
But this storm is bigger, and it isn't over yet, according to
The AZ Republic:
The Valley could receive upwards of 5 inches of rain, forecasters said, and the flash-flood warning is in effect for for Thursday and Friday.
And other nearby streets are having problems, as well:
Recker Road was closed between Elliot and Warner roads due to flooding.
But here is the advice I am heeding today:
Forecasters urged residents to avoid crossing flooded areas and reduce speeds on snowpacked and icy roads, postponing travel all together if possible.
I think I will avoid that flooded cul-de-sac in front of my house, and just stay home today.