I say pi-KAHN, you say PEE-kan

Well, this post is a little behind the power curve, since the harvesting time for pecans is actually November. But our office crew was returning from lunch one day before Christmas, and we took a moment to sample some of the pecans from the trees right behind the office, and it made me think. I wonder if the residents of Morrison Ranch realize that the pecans from the trees planted along the arterials are there for the picking? I have seen a few folks on occasion with a bag in hand; and obviously there aren’t enough for every resident. But I thought I might make the offer; first come, first served. There are still some left on the trees, and they are very sweet this year. You want to pick the ones that are still on the tree, but the outer shell is cracked open. The places in Morrison Ranch that we have pecan trees are the main arterials of Higley, Elliot, and Recker, and also the corner parks. They are also in the medians of these large streets, but The Mister advises against harvesting those in the middle of traffic. Happy harvesting.
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