The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Clear skies

Here is a shot of the Superstition Mountains beyond Elliot Groves.  It was really clear yesterday.  A little breeze and low holiday traffic really clear up the air.  It pains me to report that I remember as a kid that "the Supes" were that clear every day.  Now it is a special gift when it happens. IS a special gift.  Beautiful.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Rain in the Ranch

After my last post about rain by last Friday noon, we got another .61 inches.  The storm last night dropped only .07 inches.  But it is still muddy out there!

Luminarias in Higley Groves West

We had good participation on the Luminaria night in Higley Groves West.  It would be fun if all the neighborhoods got involved.  It is neighbor-run, not by the HOA.  So, it takes volunteers.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Rain in the Ranch

Between yesterday, the 13th and today at noon on the 14th of Dec, we got .59 inches of rain.  Thought you might want to know.