In case you need to drain your pool
This is the Town of Gilbert page on pool draining. There are three options. Actually, number three is better for the park spaces than number two, because it keeps chlorine and salt out of the grass.
Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch
This is the Town of Gilbert page on pool draining. There are three options. Actually, number three is better for the park spaces than number two, because it keeps chlorine and salt out of the grass.
This sounds like a great event. We probably need more info.
Higley Unified School District cordially invites you to attend a special event on November 9th, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in Gilbert, Arizona at 2935 S. Recker Rd. 85295. This event is to honor those who served and to those who paid the ultimate price! We hope that by attending this years’ event you might better understand the exposure and value this event has on Arizona youth and our communities.
The Higley Unified School District #60 located in Gilbert, Arizona is hosting our annual Veterans Day Celebration at the Football Stadium at Higley High School. This event has drawn thousands of people every year; most of them are Veterans from World War II, Korean War, Viet Nam War, Desert Storm, and the more recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Tony Malaj, Executive Director
Education Support Services & Community Partnerships
Higley Unified School District
Morrison Ranch Pecan Harvest Festival
Richmond American Homes plans on opening their neighborhood on Friday, November 5th! They will be building homes in the south half of Lakeview Trails. Their models will be accessed off of Recker Road south of Elliot.
Yesterday, all told, by midnight, we got .83 inches at the weather station. That is a nice month of rain in one day. I gather that parts of Gilbert got more like 2 inches! And some big hail? Hope we didn't lose trees.
In case you wondered:
We got an email from Higley:
Make Higley Historic! has a new post! We’ve been awfully quiet this year, but with good reason... we’ve been hard at work!
We’d like to announce the San Tan Historical Society’s free public presentation for Crossroads of Historic Higley: An Oral History Project/Narrated Driving Tour of the San Tan Mountain Communities on October 19th and 20th at the Higley Center for the Performing Arts. Hope to see you all there!
For more information -
One of Many Friendly Higley Historians