The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tax Credits

Read this article.

It is too late for 2008 taxes, but this article makes it clear that the program is a great help to the school district. There is a similar tax credit for private schools, and they don't compete! So think about this when you are thinking about taxes. It gives up to $200 to a specific use you want to support, and takes that $200 off your taxes, costing you nothing.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

It would be a shame

To close ASU Polytechnic, that is. It is a possibility. Read this. I don't know what the solution to balancing the state budget in this downturn is. I know it has to happen. I hope it doesn't come to this.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Liberty Market

In case you haven't been to downtown Gilbert for a while, read this.

I remember Liberty Market as a market, almost THE market in Gilbert, for years. I am thankful to Joe for preserving it, and thankful that he is offering something a little lighter on calories than Joe's Real BBQ across the street.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gilbert likes Gilbert

See? The most interesting/ironic thing in the article is that so many like the "small town feel". I remember when people said that about a Gilbert of 25,000 and us old timers were saying, "what small town feel?" and again at 100,000 and it is still happening at 210,000. Oh, well....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lakeview Trails North, Mail to your doorstep

Some of us have taken this for granted. Lakeview Trails North was/is being built with all these nice mailboxes, but the post office said for the first time that there had to be a certain number of homes occupied to justify delivery to each mailbox. Well, I got this second hand, so don't hang me if it doesn't work out quite this way, but the post office called and said we are within a week of starting delivery to each house.

Maybe it is the first sign of a turn in the housing market in Phoenix??!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Getting out the vote

Here is an article on the upcoming Gilbert election. Note that one of the people quoted says it takes about seven years for people to get involved in civic affairs. Even if you accept that, the folks in Higley Groves and Higley Groves West are DUE. So, all of you, please vote.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Walk your Dog

So, a week from tomorrow, meet at the lake just south of Lakeview Village Center.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

We have an election coming up

Here is some information on the election in March.

Our local Gilbert elected officials probably affect us more than Washington, D.C., so this is our opportunity to help decide the direction of the Town.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


It is Jan 6th. Do we call this fall because the leaves are turning? Or the dead of winter because it has gotten ALL the way down to 42 degrees? Or a little slice of heaven?

Monday, January 05, 2009

Rain in the Ranch, sort of

Yesterday through this morning, we got .07 inches at Higley and Elliot. Not much. But Sunrise Ski Resort reports 18 inches of new snow. I can see those lakes filling up already.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Preserving Higley

This is an interesting idea. We lived in "Higley", half a mile from THE corner, for ten years. So this gets my attention.