The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Friday, March 28, 2008

Bits of Tid, but progress

What you see here is what we hope to be a permanent, or at least semi-permanent solution to the blocks that keep coming loose at the parks in Higley Groves West. It sure looks better now. Time will tell. Having the blocks strewn over the parks has been driving me crazy.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Revisited

This is the Easter egg hunt at my mom's house. This was last Saturday. Little children hunting eggs. Actually, the youngest person in the picture is 20 years old. I really enjoy the fact that the next generation chooses to make a big deal of family events.

Monday, March 24, 2008

That's what I am talking about!

A neighborhood Easter egg hunt on Linda Dr. Perfect! (It was more of an Easter egg "gather" than an Easter egg "hunt". They were pretty hard to miss. And neither the kids nor the parents cared. A great time was had by all, and all the more because several families shared the time together. I saw lots of gatherings of cars, so people used Easter to get together. The great thing about this hunt was that people gathered, at least for a while, with the folks who live around them.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

He is risen, indeed!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Warning, Warning!!

From a former board member of Higley Groves West who is in contact with Gilbert PD.

1. Magazine sales for Phoenix Children's Hospital

Again this year, there are scammers going door-to-door claiming to be selling magazine subscriptions to raise funds for Phoenix Children's Hospital. The hospital DOES NOT engage in this kind of activity. Please DO NOT fall victim to this scam. Report any contact with these people to the police.

2. Israeli Art Students

There is a group in Gilbert claiming to be Israel art students that are conducting door-to-door art sales. They claim to be “showing” the art to generating leads for future electronic transactions. If you engage in business with a person that finalizes a transaction electronically overseas or they obtain bank account information from you locally and use it fraudulently overseas it may be untraceable and irreversible. The group almost always works out of white rental mini-vans and they walk door-to-door (females and males) with a black portfolio and a white document tube with additional art samples. In most cases they will try to get you to touch the laminated surface of a painting. A female from Israel, believed to be associated with this group was reported in the area of Warner & Higley last week.

ACTIC has requested that any contact with members of this group be sent to me with a brief description (date, time, transaction amount, location or any other pertinent information) and I will forward that information to the appropriate contact.

Wes Kemp
Gilbert Fire Department
Special Operations
Office: 480-503-6134
Cell: 480-797-5819
Pager: 602-201-9572

We all want and need to be generous, and need to be wise as well. Hopefully, this will help.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Look what Highland Park Elementary is doing!

Sounds like this is a pretty all inclusive effort. It includes cell phones! We wish the kids well with their efforts. Anyone know how it is going? Comment on the post.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The first Rose of Spring

Yes, I know it was cold over the weekend, but Spring, for all intents and purposes, is here. And we have a rose at the office as evidence. We will have a bunch more soon, so watch for them. And enjoy this weather. We are!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Lights at Big League Dreams

I gather from this article that the lights are too bright. I don't know why they would have to leave them on much after play ends in the evening. They have all day to do maintenance. But it certainly sounds like the Town is taking it seriously.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Lakeview Village Picking up

The Republic wrote a good article on Lakeview Village.  I think we all enjoy having Bashas in the center.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Shape your community!

We got this from the Town of Gilbert:

We need your input at our Vision 2020 Community Forum: Community Leaders are invited to participate in a public outreach and visioning campaign. Please help us identify the kind of community we want to have in 20 years and how to obtain that goal. Please let us know if you will be attending. Respond to this email or call 503-6767.
Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Gilbert Municipal Center – Rm. 300
50 East Civic Center Drive, Gilbert

I encourage you to participate. I was part of "Gilbert 2000" in 1992, and I think I helped shape Gilbert, while being shaped by the program as well. It was a great opportunity!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Lakeview Village

There is to be an article on shopping centers and the economic downturn in the Republic on Saturday. It is to "feature" Lakeview Village. I don't know quite what tack they will take. But most of the stores are holding their own. We'll see what they say. In the meanwhile, houses are closing in Lakeview Trails North. That has got to help.