What You Will Never See in Morrison Ranch

Click on the picture above to view it in full size... The Mister and I were in Indianapolis over the weekend for a wedding, and when we saw this building, we had to memorialize it with a camera because there are just no words to describe it.
There is a new building in Gilbert (which I will neither memorialize nor locate, as discretion seems the better part of valor) that evokes a similar response as the one we have to this building, only on a lesser scale. The Sixth Man comments, "That building can't decide what it wants to be." This office building in Indy has a pronounced identity crisis.
One of the reasons I bring this up is because our office has been working very diligently to enter a partnership with some folks that will help us with our industrial sites in Morrison Ranch. The contract is near signing, after a long engagement period, and there are already industrial users inquiring about the sites, so that phase of Morrison Ranch is gearing up for action.
But I promise that our buildings will fit in with the Morrison Ranch theme, as well as offer functional workspace. Not at all like the picture above.
I don't think you know what "memorialize" means.
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