The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Monday, October 09, 2006

Endorsing the New Guy

The AZ Republic puts out its endorsements of various candidates; I usually make up my mind about my candidates using other information. But there are some positions that feel so obscure, and that seem so difficult to get information concerning the contenders, that I turn to these endorsements for facts. If you feel the same way, especially about the Central Arizona Water Conservation District board, let me pass on one of their selections (someone I DO have information about, since he's my brother-in-law):

With minimal (if any) paid advertising, low name identification, and a very long ballot full of federal and state candidates and complex propositions, the CAWCD board election easily could fly well below the radar screen.

It must not, because this board's responsibilities affect every one of us.

The Republic's Editorial Board interviewed all 12 candidates in three sessions. We believe four incumbents deserve re-election. We also believe that there should be some new blood to energize discussions and challenge the staff.

Here are our recommendations:

Of the challengers, Richard Morrison displayed the most extensive knowledge of the issues, honed from his years in agriculture, teaching law and working with the CAWCD board in a professional capacity. His familiarity with the Arizona Water Bank, contractual obligations of the district and groundwater storage issues would enable him to hit the ground running. Morrison also would bring a lawyer's reasoning skills to the board and he comes from the East Valley, a region underrepresented on the board. We strongly recommend Morrison's election.

Read the rest of the article for the incumbents that they recommend retaining; but please vote for Richard for sure, and tell at least one other person to do the same. If you need more information on him, visit his website here. Thanks.


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