Frosty and Other Lights
I have a couple of caveats for today's post. First, I'm a far better writer than photographer, so even though I'm sharing a couple of pictures here, I know that they aren't exposed correctly or whatever, but I need them to tell the story. Second, my opinions on this topic are my own, and in no way reflect those of my officemates or any official position of Morrison Ranch or any of the HOAs.
I live in Higley Groves West, and there is a house in the neighborhood that is greeting Christmas in a big way. Meet Frosty:

That picture shows the proportion of the decoration to the house dwarfed behind it, but it isn't very clear of Frosty himself. So here's a better representation of the lights:

I love him; I know he's huge and unproportional and not terribly professionally constructed - a traffic cone for his nose? and The Mister says he's supported by the longest extension ladder The Mister has ever seen - but he shouts Merry Christmas in a giant way, and for some unknown reason I giggle every time I see him. If you're out looking at lights, come give him a gander. We were thinking what a great addition he would be to the grain tanks.
Speaking of the tanks - hold your breath! - we've been limping along with a couple of them lit, but with bulbs burnt out, and the timers not working properly, and some in our office not wanting them turned on at all until they could be fully lit; but yesterday, the company was working on them, and last night The Mister and I turned them on (timers still not proper) and took a picture, and ta-da!

All four lit, the burnt out bulbs replaced, a vision of wonder! And all before Christmas. And Bias For Action, who has worked tirelessly (well, ceaselessly anyway) to get them going for the past year, is out of town and can't see their debut. But we are thankful.
And one more thing on lights. We tease The Water Expert about his passion for perfection (all the while appreciating the positive benefits to our community), which is perfectly encapsulated by the lights on his house. Look at these perfect, not a single one burned out, red little soldiers all standing at attention along his roofline:

Don't you love this time of year?
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