The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Can I Get a Little Light on the Situation?

I have two sagas of lighting issues, and both of them could be titled Are You Joking?

The first has to do with the lights on the grain tanks. You may remember that Bias For Action has been leading the charge on this. If not, you can start at the beginning here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. After our last great news about something actually happening before anticipated, it seems that we are back to ops normal, as The Mister would say. Bias For Action graciously replied to my query for an update:

Meter man came out last Tuesday and found some labeling not to his liking. Promises made to get it fixed didn’t help. Meter man had to be re-scheduled. I was told it might have been last Friday. Apparently not. I have a call in to find out when. “If it isn’t one thing, it’s another.”

Ain't that the truth?!

But wait! Out of the blue comes the call that if The Mister flips the switch, we might just have light after all. And so he did. And so we do. Or at least partially. Here's a picture he took at about 7 pm last night:

I really can't believe what I'm seeing! It actually might be possible to see all four of them lit by Christmas, and maybe even, gasp! by Thanksgiving...

My second saga has to do with the street lights in front of our house. I posted on this in February; these lights had been out since about Thanksgiving. I had made the online request to get them fixed, and we had some contact with the fellows who fixed them, changing the wiring. But the lights are out again. I've been meaning to go get the number off the poles to call or file an online report with the Town of Gilbert (remember that any resident can do this; also remember that the HOA is not responsible, but the Town of Gilbert is), and once again I've been thinking it won't feel so dark when everyone gets their Christmas lights up, anyway.

So when The Mister received a call this morning, we were both nonplussed. He took a call from SRP saying that fixing the poles in front of our house was not their responsibility, but the HOA's and that's who we should have contacted. The Mister assured him that it was most definitely NOT the HOA's fix - he's on the HOA board - but he didn't know that I had not contacted SRP; my complaint was with the Town of Gilbert about a year ago! How SRP ended up with our complaint nearly a year later, I'll never know. But the gentleman promised to forward the info to the Town of Gilbert, so maybe those lights will get fixed anyway.


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