Highland Groves Aerials
The Mister is on the Economic Development Advisory Board for the Town of Gilbert, and once a year SRP provides a tour to the members, showing the growth of the town and how SRP provides for that growth.
Yesterday's tour was in a Vietnam-era Huey helicopter, and The Mister snapped a few photos to share with us all. This is a close-up of the lakes (and the first houses) at Highland Groves. We are looking south, and the ribbon of concrete that you see lining the north lake is where the tot-lot will go. Remember that you can click on the picture to see an enlarged version:

Here is a view a bit further back, still looking south. You can see Highland HS in the foreground, then Highland Groves, and then the brown fields beyond will be the community of Lakeside Groves in several years:

And I had to share this picture of the newly painted tanks, surrounded by newly cleaned up ground. They look kind of stark in this setting, but I thought it was a good view:

The helicopter moves slower than the Cirrus, and that makes for better pictures. Unfortunately, the pilot wasn't willing to hover over each individual community in Morrison Ranch while The Mister took photos, so we'll have to wait for another day to see our houses from the air.
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