The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

HOA Meeting Successful

What makes an annual HOA meeting successful? A quorum, for one thing. The Higley Groves West annual meeting last night had about 40 households represented, which is beyond the ten percent of 348 houses required for a quorum. This meant that the election of new board members could take place. Millard Fillmore, whose name was on the ballot that was mailed to homeowners, was elected. (The Mister said that our HOA manager received ten ballots by mail.) And Mike McDowell was elected from the floor. So we have a full HOA board in place, and once again, I am grateful to have quality folks willing to serve in this way, looking out for our neighborhood.

Another component of a successful meeting is good communication; our HOA president, Carolyn Woods, gave a thorough assessment of where our community has been the past year and where we're going next year. And of course, the budget and questions on the budget were part of the evening, as well.

One other topic of conversation, whether to install a basketball court via special assessment, was discussed and most likely tabled for the moment.

And while I'm talking about Higley Groves West, I'll pass on a question that I received this week about the elm trees along Linda Lane. They look like they are dead, especially when you compare them to the ash trees that line Prairie, Park and Windmill. The HOA will keep an eye on them, but the elm trees always bud out much later than the ash trees. And apparently, each tree has its own personality, and so some of the elm trees bud out later than even other elm trees. I wondered aloud whether this issue had anything to do with the fact that Linda was the first streetscape constructed in Higley Groves West, but I received no answer. Spring isn't officially here yet - and hopefully we will be getting some winter weather in the next few days - so I'll be watching those elm trees myself to see when they turn green.


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