The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Friday, March 03, 2006

Road Construction

Navigating through Gilbert's road construction can feel like wending your way through a maze at times. Gilbert was the fastest growing community in America two years ago, and with that influx of people, constructing roads is a natural consequence. After all, we all have places to go, people to see, things to do. Does it seem like it never ends? Well, I posted on this very topic a little over a year ago, and you can read my ruminations here.

The newspaper also comments on road construction frequently and today's headline - "Round of Projects Nears Completion" - at least sounds positive. According to the article:

While Gilbert awaits voters' decision on $75 million in road construction bonds this month, a handful of street improvement projects are grinding toward the homestretch.

The projects are found along some of the most highly traveled streets near housing, development and Gilbert's biggest piece of infrastructure ever built: The Santan Freeway.

Once this round of construction projects ends, residents can start driving freely, until the next round of projects start. Some motorists question when the detours and orange barricades will disappear, and town officials routinely say it'll be another couple of years.

And some of these improvements will directly affect Morrison Ranch:

"We are building and improving our roads as fast as we can," Presmyk said. "I don't know if we had $200 million available today that we could build any more roads any faster, because everyone else in the Valley is doing it."

Meanwhile, early voting has begun on the town's bond election, which is asking voters for $75 million in road construction bonds.

The bond projects include widening of Power, Williams Field and Riggs roads, as well as a handful of intersection improvements.

The election is March 14.

Drivers may want to get used to the striking orange traffic barricades.

"As far as road construction, it's going to be with us the next five or 10 years," Presmyk said.

The widening of Power and some intersection improvements are the items that are nearest our residents. At any rate, please vote on March 14 for the bonds; most of us in the office vote early, so I have to remind you to vote while I'm thinking about it.

A specific update concerns the road next to Highland Groves; Recker Road has had various formations of the orange cones and black arrows over the past several weeks. The Mister learned in a meeting yesterday that the west side of the road is supposed to be paved (I thought it already was?! Okay, RE-paved and matched) next Wednesday, as the curbs for the median have now been installed. It is certainly growing easier to get into and around Highland Groves, as long as you can dodge construction folks.

After all, that is the point, isn't it? Getting around easier.


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