Offline Today
I won't be posting today, most likely. I'm off to do my civic duty at the courthouse. I think for most citizens that means being a juror. For me, every single time I've been called for jury duty, this is what happens:
I show up at the appointed time, with an open mind and snacks in my purse, eager to serve. Sometimes I fill out a questionnaire, sometimes it's just answering questions: can I be fair, will I obey the law, am I a resident, things like that. Then they get to the sticky question: do I know anyone who works for a law enforcement agency or the county attorney's office? The moment I admit that my brother-in-law is a detective with Mesa, and yes, I am friends with a Mesa patrol cop (and in prior times it was that my sister was also a detective with Mesa AND I knew someone who worked in the attorney's office), they very politely excuse me.
Once I was feeling a bit pugnacious and decided to force their hand early (and thus get to go home earlier) and I volunteered all those relationships right up front, along with my college education and belief in God, before I even got to the lawyers. The lady at the desk smiled sweetly and assured me that these things wouldn't disqualify me for jury duty, why, sometimes even police officers are selected! Whereupon I duly went inside and waited half the day before they excused me because my sister was a cop.
The Mister actually got through the gauntlet of questions once (and it won't surprise you that he ended up being selected foreman), but I never have. I'm quite prepared to eat crow if it happens today, but I expect to be back at the office before noon. At least it's in Gilbert this time.
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