Palms in Paradise

I have hesitated to post much about our trip last week, because, well, it was a vacation, and therefore way more interesting to me than anyone else. And then there is the difference in temperatures, as in 110 degrees in Gilbert and 83 degrees in Hawaii. I don't really mind the heat, but I know plenty of folks don't care for it. So I'm not going to bore anyone with a bunch of vacation pictures, but I wanted to share one story. Early one morning, we were sitting on the lanai of our rented condo at the resort pictured above, looking at the ocean, enjoying a different kind of palm than we enjoy in Gilbert, when the Mister leaps up and announces that he'll be right back. He is gone for several minutes and when he returns, he explains that being at sea level made him wonder how the property owners handled their sewer system. (I had already wondered that same question myself, but I had figured it out on my own. Well, not exactly.) So he went on a search for sewer manhole covers, and satisfied himself, that yes indeed, they would have to lift it from here to the transfer station or wherever. When I go to Hawaii, I look for the ocean, the fish, the palms, white pineapple and other tropical fruits, the best deal on tee shirts; when the Mister goes, he looks for... sewer manhole covers? In his defense, this was a momentary lapse.
We both noticed the never-to-be-sufficiently-vilified yellow truncated domes. I can report that they look just as awful in Hawaii as they do in Gilbert.
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