The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Monday, May 09, 2005

Truncated Domes

If you live in Gilbert you are seeing more and more truncated domes. These are the areas on handicap ramps that have partial domes with the tops lopped off (truncated, get it?). These are required by the The Access Board, a national agency, sort of. They dreamed these up to be sure that blind people could tell when they are passing from pedestrian areas to vehicular areas. They work for that, but were put on hold, because they cause problems for people with OTHER limiations. Like my dad, who is 81 and doesn't lift his feet very high when he walks. Or wheel chairs, which have to bump over them. That hold expired, but most cities are still waiting for something better. In the meantime, Gilbert is enforcing truncated domes, on sidewalks, and parking lots that are built new. You will generally find them to be bright yellow rubber mats, with the domes on them. They are bright yellow so they contrast with the surrounding materials. So they stand out. To the blind people. Seriously, the government would say that it is for the sight impaired, but not blind. But the domes are unique and work for anyone, sighted or not. I am not a fan of the colors.

Let me close this off with a philosophical observation. We are all handicapped in one way or another, physically, emotionally, coordination (my lack of dancing skills). Most of the time the ONLY practical way to deal with these limitations is to depend on one another. Let's not try to produce a physical environment which encourages us to pretend we don't need each other, all of us.


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