The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Gilbert Budget in the Works

The East Valley Tribune has an article this morning on Gilbert's proposed budget, which will increase dramatically this year, if approved. The good news is that the spending will be emphasized in the three areas most needed: police, fire, and roads. My political stripes are showing, but those are just the types of things toward which I think government ought to direct our tax monies. Read the whole article if you are interested in particular numbers, but here are the summary paragraphs:

The fast-growing town needs to pay for essentials to serve its 170,000-plus residents. The budget calls for significant increases in police and fire spending. The town estimates it spent about $22.4 million on police needs in 2004-05 but will spend $35.5 million in 2005-06, an increase of 59 percent.

Police expenditures include the hiring of department employees, both sworn officers and civilians. Police Chief John Brewer requested that five positions — a rangemaster, three jail transport officers and a telephone report-taker — be added to the budget because the department would not be able to function optimally without them. The addition of 16 patrol officers, three sergeants, two school resource officers and two records staff positions are also in the proposal.

Gilbert expects to spend $16.6 million on its fire department this coming fiscal year, an increase of 44 percent from the estimated $11.5 million it spent this past year. Administration and operations costs make up much of the projected increase in spending for that department.

The town also expects to spend more on roadways. The proposed budget contains $18.8 million for the town’s streets. Compared with the estimated $14.2 million it spent this year, that’s a 32 percent increase.


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