And Speaking of Gilbert Improvements...
The AZ Republic talks about the town's desire to spruce up the Heritage District, including the sidewalks:
The project aims to rehab the broken sidewalks that lead to nowhere, sometimes forcing pedestrians into traffic and generally giving the residential areas in downtown Gilbert a downtrodden appearance.
Town officials are pursuing $360,000 in federal dollars to install sidewalks, plant more trees, update Americans with Disabilities Act compliance and make the area more appealing for people to navigate the Heritage District.
There are also plans to renovate the water tower, and there is a coalition pulling together private donations for that purpose. The Mister and I think it's a worthy project; if you want to participate, you can send a check made out to The Water Tower Preservation Coalition, and send it to Norwood Furniture 216 N. Gilbert Rd Gilbert, AZ 85234.
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