The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Monday, February 14, 2005

Neighborhood in Progress

The newest addition to Morrison Ranch has been going up rapidly (when it's been dry enough to work). Higley Estates is on the southwest corner of Higley and Elliot, and will have 162 houses when it's finished. There are some larger lots; there are two builders; and the houses have been selling like hotcakes (how do hotcakes sell, anyway? when I buy them at a restaurant, they sell them three at a time or one big one at once, and they let me eat them before I pay for them; this is NOT what I mean to imply about the Higley Estates houses. I mean that they are being bought as quickly as they become available, which is how I like to EAT my pancakes, as quickly as they become available off the griddle, so that's how the metaphor should be taken).

In the meantime, that side of the street is greening up as they lay the sod in the common areas. The Water Expert sent me some photos of the process that I found to be interesting, so I thought I would post them.


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