More Rain Subtotals
As of 8 am today, Morrison Ranch has seen 1.6 inches of rain from this storm. The forecast is for another half inch before the storm leaves:
"The storm, which began late Thursday, likely will drop another half-inch of rain before then. Total amount of rain anticipated for the Valley is around 2 inches. "We’re getting a double whammy with so much rain and snow melting," said Randy Cerveny, geography professor at Arizona State University. "And although it will help our drought, it can lead to some pretty nasty flooding."'
I'm happy to see the professor acknowledging some help with the drought; I know that flooding is a serious issue in the flood-prone places. Though the Mister has lived here all his life, I hail originally from Wyoming, and when I moved here thought it very humorous that Arizona had many signs for rivers and creeks but no water in those washes. The Mister would always joke that there was no need to cover up a good river with water. Well, plenty of them have water now, including the Salt and the Gila, and it's a novelty to Arizonans!
One more thought about water. Our Water Expert emailed me with some facts about the reservoirs:
" I like watching the water maybe a little more than you. (ed. note: No Kidding!) Therefore I thought I would update you on the lake(reservoirs) levels here in the state. They should change with this current storm. Starting with;
Alamo 23%, Apache 95%, Bartlett 92%, Canyon 94%, Lake Havasu 88%, Horseshoe 80%, Lake Mead 55%, Lake Mohave 91%, Lake Pleasant 87%, Lake Powell 35%, Roosevelt 50% (at old dam level), Saguaro 95%, San Carlos 9%.
These numbers are compiled from the Bureau of Reclamation, SRP Daily water report and U.S. Geological Survey. Even more exciting is going to these websites and monitoring real time river flows into these reservoirs!! For example the flow into Horseshoe at Tangle yesterday is at 705 cubic feet a second. I have seen that flowing at over 30,000 cfs this year. Maybe it will happen again. Let's watch and see."
I don't get as excited as he does about this topic, but I appreciate his enthusiasm, and I sure appreciate his expertise in the water issues at Morrison Ranch.
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