We Interrupt This Blog...

The only two things in this picture representative of our family is the blue suitcase and the fact that these folks are off to some adventure. One of the notable characteristics of The Mister is that he is a lifetime learner, always looking to expand the database of his mind, and enrich the experiences of his family. This means that we rarely have taken a typical family vacation; we tend more toward the VWAPs (vacations with a purpose). To date, the requirements have been to know someone in the location who can show us around with a local point of view, and to learn as much as possible about the country/culture/environment. Having someone in our party who speaks the language is also a plus.
All of this is an introduction to news of our departure for 2 weeks to Kenya, and to explain that I am most heartily sorry that we probably won't be posting during those 2 weeks. Even though we should have some internet access, it is very difficult to pass on the news about Morrison Ranch in any sort of timely way when we are involved in other endeavors. It's always in the back of my mind, though, so there may be a post or two.
For the curious, this doesn't really even qualify as a VWAP, even though all but one of our children will be joining us, and we will get to go on a short 2-day safari. This trip is more of a WAP; we will be conducting focus groups with young Kenyan businessmen and discussing entrepreneurship and business skills with them. We do have some friends in Nairobi, and we will have the ability to communicate in English, though accented. The Mister has, however, been polishing up his few Swahili words.
Until we return...
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