The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Happy Belated Blogiversary

One year ago yesterday, I posted my very first blog post to the Front Porch. I have been thinking about this for a while, and I planned on going back and selecting some of my favorite posts and linking them; and I may yet accomplish that, but at the moment I am in Colorado Springs. Yesterday when I would have liked to take some time and review and post, I didn't have access to the internet. Isn't it interesting how the internet so completely captivates computer users? The Mister actually gets a tiny bit crabby himself when he isn't connected; but I get downright grouchy.

The truth is that after a year, lots of posts and pictures, a few steady, faithful readers (thanks, dear daughters and sister!), plenty of hairpulling as I figure out how to make the computer program do my will, much cajoling of The Mister, Bias For Action and The Water Expert to keep me up to date on Morrison Ranch happenings, and occasionally wondering if the residents of Morrison Ranch were actually benefitting from the posts - I have to say that I really enjoy blogging. There are days when I don't have much to say, and there are days when I say things that aren't interesting to certain folks, and there are days when I have plenty to say; but the upshot is that I think I'll give it a go for another year.

I'll pull up a couple more rocking chairs; and I'd love to have more input from you. You can post comments, and you can send emails (and to those who have emailed and it's taken me forever to answer you - yes, there will be catch and release fishing in Highland Groves lakes - my only excuse is that I get lazy about checking emails when the inbox is empty for weeks at a time). If there is a specific topic or question about Morrison Ranch that you'd like more information on, I'll do my best.

Thanks for reading for a year.


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