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I have been thinking about trying to get an afternoon picture of the tanks now that the painting is finished. I have a picture that is a couple of years old as my screensaver on my computer, and I thought I might replace it. Here are the shiny, cleaned up grain tanks with a nice view of the lake and the mountains, but something is still missing... Oh yes, the fountain. Perhaps I need an afternoon picture with the fountain, taken by someone with a higher quality camera and much more artistic ability than mine; say, The Mister or The Water Expert (hint, hint)?

I have also been thinking about the changing leaves, especially since my back yard is full of them at the moment. Some of my friends long for the changing seasons in other states which are heralded by the leaves turning colors. Well, our leaves also change; it's just much later than other climes. Here is the view along Prairie, with the last of the leaves:

And The Mister came home from the office this morning very excited at his discovery of concrete! We are easily entertained. Anyway, he brought a photo of said concrete, which had just been poured at Lakeview Village. As soon as it cures, the framing will start and the progress on the newest space will feel real.

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