The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Friday, October 07, 2005

Grandma's Original House

I was talking with The First Cousin's mother yesterday about the wallpapering happening in our office, which was Grandma's house before serving the current function. I tend to think of this being Grandma's house forever; but The Mister reminded me that the house she lived in before this one is still around and still occupied. He went and got a picture for me:

This is currently sitting next to the Ashton Woods sales trailer at Highland Groves; it is sitting on the site of future apartments at Highland Groves.

This is the house that was next door to our current office; it was moved to another field (the site of the current Circle G development on Recker) to be used as an employee house, and when that field was sold, was moved again to its current location.

I haven't seen any of the normal sentimentality toward this house that I have toward other relics of the past; I guess that's because nobody in my generation remembers anything about the house since it was before their time.


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