Defining Community
The Mister and I are really hooked on the concept of community. The top three definitions listed in are:
1. a. A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government.
b.The district or locality in which such a group lives.
2. a. A group of people having common interests: the scientific community; the international business community.
b. A group viewed as forming a distinct segment of society: the gay community; the community of color.
3. a.Similarity or identity: a community of interests.
b. Sharing, participation, and fellowship.
When I talk about Morrison Ranch, I usually am referring to the first definition, obviously. But the other definitions played an important part in the original designing phase of Morrison Ranch. Mightn’t front porches foster a climate of sharing, participation, and fellowship? Would shady streetscapes and a pleasant view encourage community as neighbors walk, jog, or stroll the baby down the sidewalk? Would mailboxes in front of the houses recapture the opportunity of “chatting over the fence” of yesteryear? Perhaps the chatting would evolve into discoveries of common interests I have seen all these things happen in my own neighborhood of Higley Groves West, and it makes me (and The Mister) happy to see it.
I’m an accountant, not a sociologist, so I claim no expertise in the study of social behavior. But I’m also a mom, and that MUST overlap the sociological boundaries a bit; and I’ve seen that folks really want relationships - true community - with each other. We may be independent Americans, but really we need each other - for having fun, for companionship, for stimulating conversation, for help.
And, on a personal note (and what got me thinking about this concept), we put on a little get-together in our own
All four of her kids and their spouses and almost-spouses made it for the celebration (in spite of Hurricane Rita delaying some flights) along with many of her workmates. Here she is with her oldest son, listening to a tribute:

Oh yeah, and she has helped several Morrison Ranch residents enter the world: she’s a Labor/Delivery nurse at
Happy Birthday, Kimberlee!
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