Bits and Pieces
I'm still waiting for the fall explosion of activity, but at the moment there are only small movements:
Lakeview Village
The second phase of the buildings may even be starting today; the building permits are in hand now, and there was talk of surveying and such yesterday, so there should be some bustle around there.
The pedestal for the power transformer next to the Bank of America is on back-order; this is the holdup in getting the palm trees and bollards lit on that corner. Sigh.
Highland Groves
Ashton Woods has their trailer all ready to go, except they aren't selling yet. No word on when that might happen.
We have been talking with several folks about apartments, and are excited to see some of the options. There's nothing definitive yet, but we are weighing the alternatives.
We are making a concerted effort to keep our website updated with pertinent information. If you haven't checked it out for a while, go give it a look.
Check out the homeowner's corner especially, and it will link you to activities and events in Morrison Ranch. If you have any information about an activity or event, you can email the info to
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