The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

We'll Keep Trying

About 10,000 people voted in the Gilbert elections yesterday. I'm grateful for those who did, and intent on encouraging those who didn't to participate next time. Steve Berman was re-elected as mayor, and Don Skousen returns as a Town Council member. It looks as though there will be a runoff in May for the other council spot between Dave Peterson and Joan Krueger.

The Mister reminds me that ten thousand out of 170,000 doesn't mean there are 160,000 Gilbertonians who neglected to vote. We have a high population of kids; still, here's hoping that those kids grow into active voters.

My son's wallet was stolen from his locker during track practice, and as we were talking about the frustration and inconvenience of it all, he said to me, "Parents need to teach their kids that it's wrong to steal!" The parents that I know do in fact teach that truth, and many others. When folks say Gilbert, and as a subset, Morrison Ranch, is "family-friendly", I think teaching our kids right from wrong, and participating in the community is a large part of that aura.

So we'll keep at it, and someday we'll have higher turnouts for our local elections.


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