The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Give it Time

The Mister and I moved into Higley Groves West just over 4 years ago. In my constant battle against the bulge, I walk; and I must say, my expectations for walking Morrison Ranch were sky high. At the beginning, though, neither the Mister nor I found the experience all that pleasant. He is a runner, and his focus is on the run itself, the time, and if he sees anyone he knows. He doesn't necessarily notice the details of the community at that moment. I would return from my morning walks, and dispassionately offer my suggestions regarding the landscape in a most supportive fashion. Oh all right, I would complain bitterly about whatever dead trees I saw, or spouting sprinkler heads, or bogs of water where only grass should be; and HE would calmly remind me that it takes time to get things right, and adjure me to give it a little time.

He was right, of course; growing a community is somewhat analogous to raising children. The first years show the most change, and every detail is noticed, no matter how small. With a little maturity, pride erupts as the parents cheer on every accomplishment.

So, a short 4 years later, my post-walk disposition has greatly improved. I'm thrilled with the various shades of green punctuated by the neighbor's brilliant flowers; every leafing tree brings a smile, and the walk may or may not reduce the pants size, but it definitely does brighten the outlook on the day.

Give it time. Good advice.


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