Water's Rising
Now here's some encouraging news:
"By late spring, the reservoirs that supply water to the Valley may rise by as much as 48 percent, an SRP spokeswoman said Monday.
The cause is a combination of winter storms that have slammed the Valley and other parts of Arizona since December and anticipated snowmelt over the next few months, Salt River Project spokeswoman Patricia Garcia Likens said. SRP manages most of the Valley’s water supply. Since November, Roosevelt Lake has risen from 29 percent full to 49 percent Monday and may hit 77 percent by late spring. Other reservoirs, such as Apache, Canyon, Saguaro and Bartlett, are currently 90 percent full or more, Garcia Likens said. "
And the obligatory sentence reminding us that this does not mean the end of the drought doesn't show up until far into the article. Okay, we're reminded. But it's nice to see the reservoirs filling up, no?
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