Good Morning, Sunshine

This is a picture that The Water Expert took a few days ago, and I think if we ever make Morrison Ranch postcards, this would be a perfect first shot. It is an idyllic scene. If you are wondering, Merriam-Webster defines idyllic as "pleasing or picturesque in natural simplicity."
I was walking early one morning last week - before our latest cold snap - and found myself being grateful again and again. The trees are large and healthy in Higley Groves West, the neighbors are neat and tidy for the most part, the Halloween decorations are up, I have a plethora of routes that I can take for variety's sake; what could make a walk more pleasant?
Can it be just nine years ago that I was walking the neighborhood and coming home to The Mister with my impatient demands that all the problems be fixed? I noticed every busted sprinkler head, every tree that was bowed over, every damaged sidewalk. He adjured me to be patient, and as usual, he was right. The scene now is, dare I say, idyllic. And there are many other walkers, bikers, joggers, and dog-walkers that seem to think so, because I see them every day.
So if you are living in one of the newer Morrison Ranch developments, like Highland Groves or Lakeview Trails, you just wait. A few years from now you will be experiencing the "pleasing and picturesque" landscape, too.
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