The Front Porch

Promoting some old-fashioned hospitality and neighborly banter in Morrison Ranch

Monday, October 26, 2009

Perhaps I Should Reintroduce Myself...

I'm the Missus, and I haven't contributed to the Front Porch for quite a while. But I am back, and happy to make your acquaintance again. There is apparently an illness that strikes bloggers that is more common than flu in the fall or allergies in the spring: Blogger Burnout. I was trying to post five days a week while grieving the death of a very close friend, and didn't have time to get my Blogger Burnout vaccination. The rest, as they say, is history. I plan on posting a couple of times a week now, and The Mister will also keep us informed of some of the goings on at Morrison Ranch.

And may I just say that the Pecan Festival last Thursday evening truly was a success? The First Cousin and Deidre organized the event masterfully, and all the residents pitched in. We had so many people bring yummy desserts that most of the 'store-bought' cookies got taken back to be served at the next HOA meeting. (I especially loved the bags shaped like a skeleton hand filled with caramel popcorn. But I digress.) Bias For Action and his fam made sure there was enough cider to drink, and the Number One Son and I served a couple hundred hot dogs as we danced to the DJ's great music. Mick, the Master of Landscape, made sure the grass was gorgeous, and then pitched in with a generator and some muscle. Lots of games for the kids, and crafts, and, well, I could go on, but the thing that stood out to me was a comparison. Each year the Pecan Festival has been a little different, some years more successful, some years less; but it feels like we are starting to hit our stride. It's because of the people who live here, of course. Parties are more fun when you have, you know, PEOPLE, who not only attend but also pitch in. Thanks for that.

Deidre is already planning for the Christmas holiday get-together. I can't wait.


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