It's a Bad One...
Those are my words to describe the accident at Higley and Elliot yesterday to The Mister; at one point I counted 4 helicopters, 4 fire trucks, and innumerable police cars. It was indeed a bad one. The short blurb in the East Valley Tribune agrees:
Twenty-one people were injured Monday in a four-vehicle collision in Gilbert, police said. Fourteen people, most of them adults, were sent immediately to the hospital.
Five of them were transported by helicopter. Another Seven people were reported to have minor injuries.
Sgt. Andrew Duncan, Gilbert police spokesman, said the collisions occurred at 1 p.m. when one vehicle failed to yield at Higley and Elliot roads. At least two vehicles overturned.
We have heard a lot of accidents over the years in that intersection; and before we began using Grandma's House as an office, The First Cousin heard and saw many more. I used to think the problem was the lack of a traffic light, but unfortunately I think the problem is folks going through the intersection without heeding the other cars. Patently obvious, isn't it?
We are very sorry for all the folks hurt and for the family of the person that was killed.
Drive careful.
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