Luminaria Lighting Tonight
Higley Estates residents received the following flyer last week, and I'll point out that tonight is the night:
It’s time for the
1st Annual Morrison Ranch/Higley Estates
Luminarias Night
Monday - December 18th
Every home is receiving a set of Luminarias to set up and light on Monday, Dec. 18th. Turn on your Christmas Lights, light the luminarias and maybe even set up a table in your driveway with some cookies or hot chocolate for people walking by. And get out and look at the lights, meet your neighbors and celebrate the holidays with an evening of light.
For the kids, come visit Santa Claus at the tot lot!!!
He’ll be there from 7 – 8 p.m. Bring a canned good or non-perishable item of food to donate to the United Food Bank in Mesa while visiting Santa.
If you aren’t able to set up and light your candles, please find a neighbor who can do that for you. We need a coordinator for each street/block to make sure the lights are lit – if you are interested in coordinating for your block, please call Susan Fleischer at 480-813-7508 to let her know.
Sponsored by the
Morrison Ranch HOA
Happy Holidays!!!!
I'm excited to see this, and I am so thankful to Higley Estates resident Susan Fleischer for proposing this and making it happen. See you there!
I hope it's a great evening - as long as it doesn't rain!!! It rains 5 days a year here in Arizona - and tonight might just be one of them....aaarrrgh!
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