Nozzle Puzzles
Say THAT three times fast. In essence, The Water Expert has been saying that for months now, as he tries to get the lakes at Highland Groves operating to his very high standards. The south lake has had problems with it's fountain, but that looks to be near a solution, perhaps even today. The other issue, though, has been the nozzle on the fountain; it sprays too much water up on the common area where folks stand, picnic or watch their kids on the tot lot. I'll let The Water Expert take us through these pictures:
This first picture is of our existing nozzle at Highland Groves, nice shape, but sprays and mists too much.

The next picture is of the new nozzle; it is higher and a little heavier water droplets but still sprays or mists a lot of water onto the concrete and next to the tables, and with reclaimed water we can't have that!! So this nozzle is not good, either. While I was there, I noticed our railing is already rusting due to the excessive amounts of water on it. So we have to change it up. I asked the guys to show me the fountain with NO nozzle at all.

Here is that picture. It is what I think will work, providing we can get a little more height out of it. Our contractor said he could build a nozzle for us that might work. It is just 3” pipe threaded with a 2.5 inch adapter. It should give us enough back pressure to shoot the water up to about 10-12 feet with hardly any mist and have this same basic shape of what is below. I like the heavy frothy water look of this fountain. It will provide something visual to look at and will give off quite a bit of water noise without getting you wet while watching your kids at play or trying to burn that steak on the BBQ next to the lake. Plus it will be custom!! And easy to replace.

I agree with The Water Expert; if they can get it a little taller and it won't spray on the concrete, it does have a nice look. I never really thought about the shape of a fountain spray and the size of a water droplet until these lakes started going in. Who knew there was so much detail to ponder? But if there are details to ponder and work out, I know that The Water Expert is just the guy to do it. This is a continuing story...
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