Highland Groves Happenings

A recent addition to Highland Groves is the quarter-circle of palms on the corner of Elliot and Recker Road. This follows a theme for our corners; you can see the first circle at Higley and Elliot. The lighting, of course, will be the last thing to happen.
Elliot Road is scheduled to finish its paving and striping this week; of course, the monsoon activity may slow that down a bit, but the last time we had a storm they proceeded on schedule with the paving, so you never know.
In the ongoing quest for electricity and thus turf, SRP had promised a meter on Tuesday for the controllers along Sabino Road. The sod was ordered, all was ready, and then SRP didn't power up the meter. Sigh. The turf order was cancelled, and the process will start over. The current plan is to install the turf as each meter is installed and powered up; the idea of running the irrigation using batteries seemed too risky, so we are back to waiting for SRP to be available.
The midge fly population has decreased but not disappeared, from all reports. The pesticide company fogged last Saturday and the fish in the lake are poised to eat any new larva.
I saw sales trailers for U.S. Homes, the third builder that was somewhat behind the other two in getting their models up; so it looks like they are getting closer to having models.
We are still waiting for the replacement fountain in the south lake.
There is an axiom I've heard The Mister use that says that things will go 40% slower than you plan them to, even if you factor in the 40% when you're planning... Of course, I'm a member of the McDonald's generation, raised with the expectation of getting my chicken nuggets within 2 minutes of the time that I order them, so it's difficult to be patient. In reality, things at Highland Groves are coming along swimmingly (literally, today) and there is every indication that they will continue to do so.
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