Stumping For My Candidate

He isn't running for one of the high profile positions like governor or senator, though he is eminently qualifed for those positions. He is running to be on the board of directors for the Central Arizona Project (CAP); there are five seats to be filled in the election, and I can say unequivocally that he is probably the most qualifed to be on the board, without even knowing who else is running. In our office resides The Water Expert; he is the guy who builds lakes and oversees the irrigation systems setup in Morrison Ranch. Richard is The High Mucky Muck Water Expert, influencing water law throughout all of Arizona. He is an attorney who has worked in the water negotiations with the Indian tribes, spent time in Washington DC explaining the arcane details to folks, and when he says he knows water, he means it.
That's the doting sister-in-law's commendation. For the official scoop and more details (and better pictures), check out his website; and then vote for him in November. This is just the sort of ballot item that we all encounter and wonder what the heck is that position, and who the heck are these people running.... Well, this is one time I can pass on a good recommendation; so you can pass it on to your family and friends as well. We'll take some of the mystery out of the voting process, together.
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