By Any Other Name...

This might be called "a short black fence" if you weren't familiar with the development language. At least that's what I called it when I asked the Mister about it. I first saw them around Highland Groves, and then when Lakeview Trails North began grading, they sprung up there as well. "What's with all the short black fences?" I asked.
Those are silt fences, I was informed; and they are the latest greatest governmental requirement for developers to keep the dust down. I laughed. "That'll never work!" The Mister agreed with me; if there's a little bit of wind, they are way too short, and if there is a lot of wind, it wouldn't matter how tall they are.
So today I was out in the wind, and next to the grading going on at Lakeview Trails North. I didn't see much dust. Is it possible those contraptions actually work?
Nope; the most effective method for dust prevention? Water trucks.

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