Change is Inevitable
Things change, and even if you are a change-agent like The Mister, sometimes the change is difficult emotionally. As Lakeview Trails North begins to sprout, it requires some changes to the view, and several folks are affected by this change. I gave a little of the history of Uncle Hugh's house last August here.
Now the barn that housed the airplane has been demolished:

In recent years (say, the past 25 years or so), it's been known as "the carpenter's shed" because it housed the tools for the farm carpenter. Why, you may ask, does a cotton farm need a carpenter? For the labor houses, of course. This was a part-time job, but there always seemed to be a part-time carpenter available.
And speaking of labor houses, the little ones behind Uncle Hugh's have also come down:

So things look very different, and are about to look even moreso. It's unsettling, even though we feel it's the best way to direct the inevitable change.
That's why it was no surprise to me to hear The Mister exclaim, "They can't do that!" - only half-joking - when I told him that Rittenhouse Road is being relegated to our memories as well. The AZ Republic has an article today that starts like this:
Motorists in Gilbert can start saying goodbye to the diagonal adventure down Rittenhouse Road.
The two-lane road, which runs along the Union Pacific Railroad and is one of the major access points to Queen Creek, will be permanently closed between Williams Field and Power roads starting Wednesday.
Yep, change is inevitable all right. Sometimes it's downright unsettling.
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