And I Thought The Circus Was at MY House...

Did you know that if you put up 10,000 square feet of tent, you have to start a few days early? This is the beginning of the wedding reception, and I had to share my excitement with you. The points of the tent show up from quite a ways away, and though it might look small from the road, it looks huge when you walk around underneath. It was also fairly comfortable temperature-wise, even though my car thermometer showed triple digits. There will be port-a-cools chilling things down on Saturday.
All three daughters and I hit the spa today, both to bond and to get the last touches taken care of, like nail painting. It was a delightful day for us.

This is from the bride's point of view, of course. The groom's family did their bonding at Disneyland over the weekend (not a drop of eyebrow wax in sight!); and now we are all entering the party-brunch-rehearsal-rehearsal dinner phase.
The Big Day is near.
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