Birds at the Preserve
Even the bird population in Gilbert is growing. The AZ Republic has an article today on some special birds that are wintering, at least for a while, at the Riparian Preserve:
It happens every year. Thousands of tourists converge on Arizona, most trying to skirt winter's chill elsewhere. But it's two recent visitors that have state Game and Fish officials excited.
The Streak-backed oriole and Groove-billed ani, both Mexican breeds that have been rarely seen in this corner of Arizona for decades, are back. At least for now.
And that has binocular-bearing bird enthusiasts from all over the West, even Alaska, heading to Water Ranch in Gilbert's Riparian Preserve to catch their cameo appearance.
Read the rest of the article to get the full flavor of "bird excitement;" I need to get my birding friend from Tucson up here to have a look.
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