A Successful Ditch Camp
We had a wonderful time in the White Mountains, with one day of rain, and campfires allowed throughout. The only failure was in the fish not wanting to bite, or be bitten, as the case may be. We had several crack anglers who reported that the fish would lay in the water and allow themselves to be bonked on the head by the bait, but would not take the line. Alas, no fish fry this year. Here is Bias For Action's son trying to get the fish to cooperate.

The Mister and I both relaxed much more than in years past, with lots of folks pitching in to help with the setup, cooking and cleaning chores. The Mister tries to improve on various niceties every year, and he seems to have gotten the shower down to a fine art. He built a shower from PVC pipes and plastic sheeting; warming the water over a propane burner and then pumping it up to a higher level (on top of a vehicle this year), so the gravity can provide some water pressure to the hose going into the shower. Here he is manning the hot water, while doing a little pleasure reading.

You might notice that when camping, he carries a full roll of duct tape at the ready, rather than the small flat roll that he has for everyday use. He's a handy guy to have around.
We have declared the week a success, and look forward to the next time. We got back just in time for the hottest day of the year - 116 degrees! - so we didn't miss anything while we were gone.
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